Inclusion and diversity are the buzz words of the last couple of years, and rightly so. For too long, businesses have ignored the colourful and vibrant world that exists in our differences. Finally, our differences are being celebrated and adverts are beginning to show a truer reflection of life.
So how can we as digital marketers embrace a culture of inclusion and diversity when it comes to content creation? It's not just about the obvious - choosing models and images that embrace the different sizes, colours and shapes people come in - but remembering that many customers have a disability and the content we create needs to be inclusive and accessible for everyone.
1) KISS principle- Keep It Simple, Stupid
We've all read blogs and websites that are long winded, full of jargon and hard to understand. When it comes to web copy, you can't go wrong if you keep it simple.
Did you know Microsoft Word has a built in accessibility tool to rate how easy it is to read your text? It will assign a Flesch readability score to your text so you know if it will be understood by the majority of the public. Find out how to set it up in word it in this guide.
There are other tools available too.
2) #canyoureadthis?
I love a good hashtag and they are a great marketing tool. But imagine you are partially sighted or dyslexic. Are your hashtags easy to read then? Using CamelCase (that was a new one for me) in your hashtags makes them easier to read. It also makes them compatible with screen readers.
RNIB shares some great tips on making your social media more accessible for those with a visual impairment. Definitely #CheckItOut.
3) Pardon?
We've all heard the stat that more than 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. Never mind that, what about the 5% of the population that suffer from hearing loss? My top two tips to make sure your videos are accessible are:
a) Make sure the speaker can be heard clearly above background noise
b) Add subtitles. Make sure they are a good size and choose a font that is easy to read. It is helpful to add a plain colour block behind the text to make sure there is strong contrast between the text and background.
If you can't add subtitles, include a script on your website/blog.
4) Create for big hands and one finger
If you only had big hands, or only one finger, would you be able to use your company's website on a mobile? Are the CTA buttons in a good place, can you touch them with big hands without touching something else? Think of the mum with a sleeping baby in her arms. Could she use that 5 minutes peace and quiet to buy a birthday present from your website with just the one hand she has available?
What about the person with their leg in a cast, struggling with crutches. Is one hand enough for them to check the bus timetable on their phone? Mobile browsing is only going to get bigger. Making sure your site is more accessible will help you retain and attract customers.
5) Don't create content for yourself
This is back to marketing 101- create for your audience, not for yourself. Don't just create for people who are like you. Not everyone has full use of all their senses so if your content can overcome those barriers, you can engage with more customers.
For an example of a brand that does this well, check out Molke. A start-up underwear company in Scotland. Their commitment to diversity and inclusion in their marketing is excellent and setting a standard for others to follow.
